Guasha those wrinkles away!
Erasing forehead wrinkles with a guasha hack. (This was repurposed from my IG Stories so you’ll see some inconsistencies in the canvas. I’m practicing to let go of perfectionism! Done is better than perfect.)
Erasing forehead wrinkles with a guasha hack. (This was repurposed from my IG Stories so you’ll see some inconsistencies in the canvas. I’m practicing to let go of perfectionism! Done is better than perfect.)
Completed 10 days of Master Cleanse! What’s the benefits I’ve experience, the struggles, some strange things and a little reference to River Valley High.
P.S. Oops I realised there’s background noise, from my fan. Whahaa sorry for that. Weather’s been really hot. Here’s the 3 women I’ve learnt a lot from on negative energy cord cutting and keeping myself well in the mental and emotional space. Ame from Ame De Lumiere Consultancy – check her out at @amepsychic on
Negative energy cord cutting! What is it, why do it and some tips! Read More »
Managing eczema, explained in photos in 3 simple steps. Comment if you’ve questions!
Master Cleanse Round 2! I’ve been hearing so many good stories about it and a group of us did our Round 1 in July. Since then we have more people joining us in Aug and Sep. I’ve gotten a lot of messages asking me about it. Here’s deets: You’ll need: – Lemons – Cayenne
How to take Alkalime. And how not to. 😆😆 I personally love it when I’m too heaty, have breakouts and need to alkalise my body real quick! Use Alkalime for: – Fatigue / Low Energy – Unexplained aches and pains – Overweight conditions – Low resistance to illness – Allergies – Headaches – Irritability
Not sure what you can do with your Loyalty eo? Here’s some great tips! Credit: Deny Sentosa, Elisa Rudyanto, Wita, Katrinna Wijaya and Jacq Ong, translated by Jonathan Teo
The me 10 years ago and the me now is very different. That first photo. Yuuuppp. That’s me in 2010 : – Full blown eczema after 30 years of topical steroids – Finally landing in A&E and being injected with even more steroids That’s me not knowing the difference between tackling illnesses at a symptomatic
CONTRADICTIONS. Just a friendly reminder that you do you and embrace even what you think it’s “not good” or “weird” in you! Whether you oil and medicate at the same time… Eat organic AND also eat junk food (hello Mcdonald!)…. Love your kids and also let them have screen time for your sanity…. Tabao food
I’ve been a network marketer, a MLMer for the past 10 years. Here’s some misconceptions (video) folks can have about our industry, whether from personal experience or hearing from their friends. I started my Young Living business cos I wanted to be home for my kids. My dream then was to be a SAHM
Success is not success when you have results in one area and fail in others Read More »