I used to think that it’s quite hard to take my YL supplements cos the kids would *ahem* keep bugging me to do this or that.
Recently I got Sol to help! So here is my 3 year old helping me unscrew the bottles, asking me how many I need per supp and giving me the number of capsules.
It’s a win-win cos:
1. I get to stay healthy with my supps.
2. He practice his counting. Sometimes a little addition and subtraction like in this video when I ran short of Omegagize and he opens a new bottle for me.
3. Motor skills for him since he’s practising tipping out the right number of caps and screwing / unscrewing the bottles.
3. A teeny bit of parent and child bonding!
I’m also getting him to pour my Alkalime into my cup and add water. The fizziness always excite him. And this recipe where he learns how to do NorcePutri’s thirst quencher of a healthy drink:
1. 60 ml Ningxia Red (I actually pour like 250 ml)
2. 1 sachet Mindwise
3. 2 ml Mineral Essence (well those that take it, knows how yucks it taste. But this recipe is DA BOMB DOT COM! Can’t taste it!)
4. Sparkling water (I replaced with 1 can Zyng)
5. Loads of ice!
Bottoms up!
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