NingXia Nitro


What’s inside NITRO that makes it sooooo good?

  1. The famous Ningxia Wolfberries! – great for eyes, heart, liver, kidney, energy, vitality and keeping young!
  2. 40 mg of naturally occurring caffeine from green tea extract and Yerba Mate extract
  3. Sources of B3, B6, B12, Iodine
  4. Antioxidants from green tea, wolfberry, mulberry, ginseng, and nitro fruit juice blend
  5. Cognitive enhancer from choline as well as Nitro alert blend oil

Personal Testimony:
If you often feel tired in the morning or midday, take a tube of Nitro and you’ll feel your energy and brain fog slowly lifting.
There was once where I had a really stubborn cough for two weeks and nothing was helping! Until my friend suggested I take Nitro + NingXia Red twice a day. I did that because I was desperate. After 2 days of this, my cough disappeared! Apparently it’s my tiredness that had slowed down my recovery.

You can order this through your Young Living Brand Partner account. Don’t have one? I can help!

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