Faith’s guide to surviving Chinese New Year:
1. Wear a dark top or even a floral one… cos you know, oil splatters from steamboat. And elastic waist bottoms.
Slip ons too for slipping in and out easily of house visiting. (I chuckled at those wearing sneakers, shoes, socks.)

2. And bring chilled water in Swell bottles cos for some reason, cold drinks seem to deplete really fast at homes. #thirstykids #thirstyeveryone
3. Download an otome game on phone to play. So when the small talk is exhausted, the kids run around like crazed tornados, mommy can swoon over the latest hero when she’s left alone. 

4. Or download an essential oils video to watch if one is inclined to education. I love EO Symbosium! Or Lindsey Elmore.
5. Bring oils for well you know, anything. From bumps, falls, spills, hot weather, tantrums to having that scratchy throat from eating too much new year goodies. #lavender #peppermint #copaiba #tranquil
6. Above all, have an awesome PAWESOME Chinese New Year folks!