This week I’m in task driven mode! Eeks so many things to do before we fly for the Young Living International Grand Convention this Sunday! *roll on the floor and clutch my head*
And my kids! Raaarrrrr, why are they always asking for Mommy, Mommy, Mommy and SO ACTIVE in the home!? This mama wants to quickly finish her things before Friday.
Last night I spied my old Clary Sage bottle and decided to diffuse the last of it. This bottle has been with me for 7 years, when I was pregnant and during the births of my 2 kids.
Pro tip: Besides helping to accelerate labour, this is a wonderful oil for breathing well too!
When my Lantern diffuser begun to pump it out… I began to relax. It’s so true that our memories is so closely linked to our sense of smell. So many good memories came when I smelled my Clary Sage.
Of me feeling my babies kick when they are in me..
The excitement of welcoming them to this world when my labour started… (and remembering the out of the world contractions 

When I burst into tears holding my wee ones when they just popped out…
Feeling the bonds of love inextricably weaving us together.
I took a deep breath and pause my busy mode. I went to cuddle my kids. Sniff their hair. Kiss their cheeks and foreheads.
Tomorrow Mama might be in a hustle bustle mode again but tonight, time stood still for her as she savour her sweet memories.