It’s one of those days. Well make it as a series of “those days”.
Where my brain feels like HONEY TRYING TO RUN UPHILL.
Everything feels sluggish. Or… it feels too hard! Too many things to do. Kids tugging at me while I try to work. Peppermint makes me more awake but I still feel lazy. Helppppp!
So here’s how I get on top of things… or at the very least, make my day a semi productive one

1. Drink Ningxia Red for that boost in alertness and cognitive function. In this hot weather, I take it chilled and maybe even with ice cubes and a slosh of Ningxia Zyng because yeah I’m worth it.
2. I realised that I have been making mistakes in my work! So I glugged down my Mindwise too. This is from YL USA and comes in either bottles or sachets. I need my brain to be like a samurai blade! Sharp sharp keen keen. The kind that can slice a strand of hair into half. 

3. When I find myself squirming out of my tasks, especially oh dear, those big big daunting ones, funnily enough Highest Potential helps me stick to it and finish up. I recently bought a Playstation Vita and was itching to play it during my work hours. Well Highest Potential would hear nothing of it and I was astonished to have finished my work yesterday despite not feeling my best.
So there you go! Happy Friday all! This might help speed up your Friday to the weekend whoo!