Photo: of us with Grace Teo running to JB on a weekday to pet many animals!
But we hate feeling uncertain because our brains don’t like open loops – it always tries to close them.
Problem is most of the times, we try to close them in ways that shut down our genius.
For eg, say there’s something you want. But you’re unsure whether you have the capabilities to get it.
For most people, the default thought is…
“I don’t know how.” Then proceed to give up.
“No lah I can’t.” Scoff at own thought and pooh pooh any possibility of it happening.
Here’s how you can make UNCERTAINTY work for you.
When you’ve a thought of something you want, before the gremlin in your brain takes over, ask…
“If I can have this, what needs to happen FIRST?”
List down all answers that’s in your power to make it happen.
So wishing for a benevolent relative to suddenly drop dead and give you money doesn’t count. 

But naming some ways to find out how to get CLOSER to it, works!
You can also list down all FACTS that support the possibility of you having it. For e.g. someone else you can name, has done it before. Or looking up books from authors who have done it.
So well that’s my tip for today. Let me know what you think?