So I have a mother in law. As you all do when you are married and all that stuff. Some time ago, she was complaining of her foot hurting since she fell off a chair. There was a hairline fracture in her foot.
We gave her some YL oils to help ease her but I guess she was not really open or diligent to using then so she didn’t feel much of a difference.

The cruncher came when she had to shift her weight and walk in a way that got most of her weight off her bad foot. Problem was the other leg got affected. There was a lot of pain, she had difficulty walking and would spend much time lying on the couch, trying to get up.
It was extremely agonising. It was affecting her job and income as a canteen helper too.
My mil went to see the doctor but the doctor would only suggest to her to go for surgery for her leg. Guaranteed results? No, the doctor said. 

I got Jon to head down to raindrop her leg with the raindrop oils for a recovery boost. Applied some Cool Azul Pain Cream. Coaxed her to take AgilEase and Sulfurzyme which are so good for pain, inflammation and building up of the bones, muscles and ligagments. She loves the pain cream because her leg often feels cold and the pain cream warms her right up.
As the days passed, she got better with regular usage of these products. She was able to walk. Got off the couch without much problem or pain. And more importantly, she didn’t have to go for surgery.
Last week we had a extended family dinner. It’s nice to see her able to move around and mingle with the family with much ease.
As our parents get older, one thing I wished for them is QUALITY OF LIFE in their twilight years. My heart aches when I see elderly folks struggle, even with what they think is “normal” joint pain, poor sleep, lack of energy,
breathlessness. I’m glad we have these tools at home to help them not just live, but THRIVE in these years.