What is Linear Optimism and how it can affect you?


Linear Optimism is something that has been running around in my head when I coach various folks.
It’s where folks go, ok I have this goal and this are the steps I will take to achieve it. But the biggest thing missing from their plan is to cater for any disruptions or failures to their plans.
I’ve seen it happen to moms trying to build a business from home. Or a long awaited family trip. Or even getting that promotion at work.
So if you’re working towards a goal, remember that just as life, not everything will go as planned. You can hope for it, plan for it, but don’t be surprised if you catch yourself taking some detours and unexpected routes.
Some questions to ask yourself:
  1. In my days of taking my actions, what thoughts could I have that could derail me from sticking to it consistently? What is my plan of action for those thoughts?
  2. What situations and people could disrupt me from my goal? What is my plan of action for those situations?
  3. How can I be gentle with myself while still honouring the goals I have?
  4. What is my Minimum Viable Options? This is where you narrow down to the bare essentials that you want to get done if you found yourself caught in disruptions and not having enough time or energy.
And if you’re feeling unmotivated about progressing in your life or work, it really might not be a lack of motivation but rather sluggish or blocked energy centres (chakras) in your body. After all, our root chakra is linked to abundance, solar plexus to creativity, heart for connecting to others and throat for expressing your unique message to your community.
Come for our workshop if you want to:
– learn how to assess the health of your chakras and tune them right up by Master Lim and Astute Soul
– craft an energy phone strap to keep your chakras healthy
– then learn that everyone has a different manifesting and abundance style
– and craft an abundance blend for yourself too! If you bring a friend, both of you get to craft an extra abundance blend
Come because you deserve more in your wildly unique life! Even if your little voice says otherwise! Register here.

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