Do you spend a lot of time in video conferences nowadays? Me too.
Zoom is like my second home now (home within a home?? INCEPTION! 
) and life has blurred the lines between personal, family and work since they now mostly take place at home.

And because I try my best to stay at home most of the times now, here’s what I do to have a Zoom worthy face and exercise my meridians at the same time!
1. Whenever I wash my face, before washing off my Bloom / ART / Orange Blossom facial wash, I use my guasha tool and did a very quick 10 seconds guasha since the cleansers give slippage too.
I gua my cheeks, jawline (go away double chin!) and forehead. Carefully under my eyes so i lift the skin there too. I tend to also spread the facial cleanser over my neck, chest and shoulders so I scrape down to help with circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Since I wash my face 2x a day, I figured that the quickie guasha I did should be good enough.
2. I learn about reflexology rings for the first time when I attended the YL Virtual International Grand Convention. As a girl who loves her gadgets, I quickly got some to try. Hahah.
You basically roll a ring up and down your fingers each day which I’ve found helpful working on the different acupressure points while attending Zoom meetings.
So I would be applying any oils on myself and since they are already on my hands, it’s a no brainer to use the rings for a deeper therapeutic effect.
Check out the 2nd and 3rd pictures for the accupressure points you can work on!